Saturday, November 15, 2008

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

2008 a great year

I recently updated a friend on what I've been up to this last year: (Cartoon was his reply. Thanks Landon Sanders!)

I got a job in Ashton as Executive Director for a non profit conservation/land use planning group and started in December. The same day I almost declined the offer because it payed about $2000/year less than I needed, I was offered a sales position for Whisper Creek Log Homes, and neither job cared that I had the other job, since I was a subcontractor for each. Anyway, if 2008 sales were the same as 2007 sales, I would have earned around $150,000 just selling the log homes this year. UNFORTUNATELY, as you may have heard, sales have been a little sslloooowww in the housing markets! So I ended up paying about $20 to work for Whisper Creek, since I took someone out to lunch,  and the company never paid me back. People just stopped shopping for log homes. But I still had the non profit job. That was until last month when we couldn't get any funding because of the way people are loosing their fortunes in the stock market. I guess a lot of non-profits are shutting down. Fortunately, I've been doing a lot of flying, both flight instructing and a contract with Idaho Fish and Game. Unfortunately, Idaho Fish and Game's contract ended 3 weeks ago. Fortunately, I just got a new contract with them. Unfortunately, most of the work will be next summer. Fortunately, I have another job with a theater screen advertising firm that has me fly to Aspen, Hailey, Park City and Alaska as a subcontractor for sales. Unfortunately, the last month has been really tough. Fortunately, I have a job flying a wealth management company president to and fro in his Columbia 400 around the west. Unfortunately, the stock market lost 10% in the last 2 days, so that's becoming uncertain too. Fortunately, I also fly for a roofer, climbing on roofs, estimating costs and selling the roof to the people who need them. Unfortunatly, winter is coming fast. Fortunately, ... that's about where I'm at right now. I guess the good news is that the unfortunate is always followed by fortunate! I'm just glad I'm healthy and my woman is the best woman around and my kids are awesome and I'm home most every night and get to play with my kids. Life is great!